Dental procedures have come a long way, and if you haven't kept up to date on them, you may be surprised at the options you now have. Not that long ago, dentists were only known for filling cavities, pulling teeth and putting hard, metal braces on people. Boy, have things changed. Today's dentist is an expert at many things that can improve the lives of their patients. Here are three things that your dentist likely offers that you may have never heard of.
Treatment for TMJ
TMJ, otherwise known as temporomanidibular joint, is a painful condition that occurs when the joint that connects the lower jaw to the bone of the skull are injured. Some of the ways it can become injured are:
· Grinding or clenching your teeth. This can be caused by stress.
· A heavy blow to the jaw
· Whiplash
· Rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis in the joint
· A dislocation of the disc between the ball and socket
· Bruxism, which is a biting down hard while sleeping or at other times
TMJ causes pain in the jaw, and can even lead to migraines. Women are more prone to this condition and it affects up to a third of the population. Today's dentist can treat TMJ with a small device called a NTI-tss. This acrylic dental appliance reduces the push and pull that occurs between the side of the jaw and the temporal muscles by as much as a third. Most patients experience relief from jaw pain and headaches within a few days of being fitted with the device.
Help With Deep Stains
Some stains are simply too deep to respond to teeth whitening, even the type that is done in a dentist's office. In the past, those people had to learn to live with discolored teeth and felt the social repercussions of it. But now, with the use of porcelain veneers, a dentist can cover those stains with the thin veneers and make your teeth look straight and white. Porcelain veneers are durable and can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years. The veneers can also be used to correct crooked teeth, fill gaps and mask chipped or broken teeth.
Straighten Adults Teeth Without the Metal
When most people think of braces, they conjure up images of a mouth full of metal with rubber bands laced inside the mouth. Not exactly something an adult wants to wear, even if it means having straight teeth. But today, adults have options. Dentist now have the option of offering Invisalign braces, which are invisible braces that are discreet and easy to wear. The dentist will make a mold of your teeth and then create a plastic brace that will work to straighten your teeth. There are no rubber bands or sharp pieces of metal to contend with. In addition, the wearer can take them in and out when eating or any other time they feel it's necessary.
You have many more choices with your dental care than you did just a few years ago. If you're interested in getting a new smile, why not make an appointment with your dentist today and find out which options will work for you?
Did you know that your dentist may be able to cure your TMJ ? Maybe your teeth are crooked and you think your only option is unsightly metal braces. In Santa Barbara, Dr. Mark T. Weiser offers Invisalign invisible braces to his patients so they can get straight teeth without the embarrassment. Find out about more innovative dental procedures.
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