SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - Patients experience specific changes in their bodies as they age. They notice crow's feet around their eyes, and they may feel pain in their joints. There are also specific changes people should be aware of that deal with their dental health.
Teeth whitening may help aging individuals brighten discolored teeth and appear more youthful. Other cosmetic dentistry procedures can help reverse the affects of aging and make adults more attractive and confident. Larson Dentistry offer Invisalign to whom desire straighter, healthier smiles. Their team understands that as patients age, there are certain dental issues they should be aware of.
Avoid Losing Teeth, Replace Missing Teeth
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of patients older than 65 have no permanent teeth left in their mouths. It's common, then, for aging patients to experience tooth loss to decay, periodontal disease, illness or accidents, but tooth loss can be avoided. Everyone should floss one daily and brush twice daily at minimum to avoid tooth loss. The ones who brush and floss more often may experience healthier teeth and gums. Routine dental visits are also an important part of tooth loss prevention. The American Dental Association suggests visiting their family dentist at least twice a year.
Even patients who experience tooth loss don't have to accept a toothless smile. Greg D. Larson, DDS, gives full smile makeovers with dental implants. Dental implants bond with patients' jawbones and reduce bone deterioration. Replacing teeth also helps improve a patient's facial structure which makes them appear younger and more attractive. Compared to dentures, dental implants are a better option because they are long lasting. People with dental implants will also enjoy better bites which allow them to eat, speak and smile normally.
Causes and Effects of Dry Mouth
Old people commonly experience dry mouth. Dry mouth isn't a symptom of aging, but it does come as a side effect of a slew of pharmaceutical drugs. Patients should communicate with their dentists about any prescription medications they're taking. Medicines that manage pain, depression, allergies, asthma, Parkinson's disease and anxiety commonly cause dry mouth. When someone's mouth isn't frequently moist from saliva, bacteria can grow and accumulate to cause plaque buildup. Saliva helps clean patients' mouths and decrease oral bacteria.
There are ways to increase a patient's saliva production. Drinking water will encourage saliva, and so will chewing sugar free gum. There are also oral moisturizers on the market that are made to encourage saliva to flow more easily. A humidifier can also add moisture to the air and help saliva production. Patients who experience dry mouth should discuss the issue with their dentists.
Diet and Dental Health
Diet is also an essential factor to a patient's oral health. A balanced diet will help prevent tooth decay, tooth loss and periodontal disease. Patients should reduce or cut out processed sugar. Sugar is detrimental to oral health, as it causes cavities and encourages decay. Whole foods, vegetables and fruits are the best choices for oral health and overall health. Carbohydrates are also harmful to the teeth, since they cause increased oral bacteria and even cause plaque buildup.
Another diet improvement for tooth health is increased calcium. Calcium supports bone health and bone strength, and other elements such as phosphorous and vitamin D help the body properly use calcium. Calcium-fortified products can be found naturally in cheese, milk, yogurt, broccoli, spinach, kale, swiss chard, eggs, fish and mushrooms. For vitamin D and phosphorous, they can eat pine nuts, soy beans, seeds and flaxseeds.
The mouth is the opening to the whole body, and it makes sense that oral health is closely connected to total body health. The Larson Dentistry team wants patients to have healthy, gorgeous smiles at all ages. As patients get older, they can protect their oral health by eating a balanced diet, visiting the dentist regularly, replacing missing teeth, keeping their mouths hydrated and preventing avoidable tooth loss.
2013 Sinai Marketing and Greg D. Larson, DDS. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Sinai Marketing and Greg D. Larson, DDS, are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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